Have a presale question?

Before purchasing anything It is common practice to ask about questions that is important for you or you can’t find answers.

Before submitting question please try to find answer to your question:

  • On item page on Themeforest page where all features described
  • In online documentation to the theme
  • Search in support portal articles or tickets

How to ask a Presale question?

  1. Login with Envato or Register with email address or select Facebook or Twitter Login
  2. Click on “Submit a ticket” button from https://pxlab.ticksy.com/
  3. From Product or Category dropdown select “Presale question” category.
  4. Ticket Subject – write name of the theme and briefly topic of your question: e.g. Noemi – how to create portfolio
  5. Write your question/s
    1. Describe your question/s in details.
    2. Enumerate questions if you have more then one question.
    3. Provide links, examples and URLs for all questions if possible.
    4. Provide screenshots and explanation to screenshot if possible.

We will reply to all presale questions, however this can take up to 18 hours, so please be patient.