Add custom icon
Here you will find detailed tutorial how to add any custom icons in Boombox theme.
- Go to
- Create a new project
- Download selection.json file from here
- Upload that file and click Yes when you will asked to accept selected settings
- Start add new icons to your library or you can also upload your .SVG icons as shown in video below
- When all icons selected click on Generate Fonts button and download zip file
- You need to extract zip files in folder
- Then you need to Activate Boombox child theme
- In child theme create new folder “icon-fonts“, your new directory will be “boombox-child/icon-fonts“
- Move files to icon-fonts folder
- You may also need to purge existing icon cache by opening this URL â–¸ http://yoursiteurlcom?boombox_purge_icons_cache=1 (please note that you need to paste your site URL before question mark)