Add custom icon

Here you will find detailed tutorial how to add any custom icons in Boombox theme.

  1. Go to
  2. Create a new project
  3. Download selection.json file from here
  4. Upload that file and click Yes when you will asked to accept selected settings
  5. Start add new icons to your library or you can also upload your .SVG icons as shown in video below
  6. When all icons selected click on Generate Fonts button and download zip file
  7. You need to extract zip files in folder
  8. Then you need to Activate Boombox child theme
  9. In child theme create new folder “icon-fonts“, your new directory will be “boombox-child/icon-fonts
  10. Move files to icon-fonts folder
  11. You may also need to purge existing icon cache by opening this URL â–¸ http://yoursiteurlcom?boombox_purge_icons_cache=1 (please note that you need to paste your site URL before question mark)

Video Tutorial #