Zombify – Viral Post Types

Personality quiz #

A personality quiz is a series of questions that intends to reveal something about the person who answers them. The personality quiz, unlike a knowledge quiz, has no definite set of right or wrong answers. Instead, the answers that the respondent provides are compiled and analyzed to produce a response that supposedly indicates part of the respondent’s personality and/or characteristics. Example

Trivia quiz #

Trivia is a type of game in which players are asked questions about different topics and they have to get as many correct answers as possible. Besides having the benefit of improving and expanding your knowledge, either general or in more specific areas, this style of game is designed so that the contestants have fun playing, and its main objective is to create discussion and healthy debate among participants. In fact it is not mandatory that Trivia winners have to get a prize and almost everyone is OK with that as their main objective is to have fun and learn at the same time. Trivia questions and answers can be adapted to any audience and can be used in schools and universities to assist in language skills development and to test knowledge and skills levels.



Poll #

A poll is a survey in which people are asked their opinions about something, usually in order to find out how popular something is or what people intend to do in the future. Example

Story #

This is the most equipped type, which includes elements from all other formats and even more. Example 1, Example 2

Special elements for this type are:



Copy/paste the link from the supported websites

  • Youtube
  • Facebook
  • Vimeo
  • Dailymotion
  • Instagram
  • Twitter
  • Coub
  • Twitch
  • VK
  • Odnoklassniki
  • G+
  • Pinterest
  • Google maps
  • Gif link
  • Image link
  • Soundcloud
  • Mixcloud
  • Reddit
  • Coub
  • Imgur
  • Giphy

From Zombify plugin settings you can choose what elements to show for this type and manage their order. You can find that options in WP admin ▸ Zombify ▸ General.

List #

A listicle is an article made of a list, usually with some kind of extra detail to each item. The format, however, is flexible. You could write a listicle which is nothing more than a title, five sub-headings for each list item, and a picture or gif below each. On the other hand, listicles can be used as a framework to make a complicated topic easier to understand. The subject you write about can be literally anything. Even if there isn’t a list which naturally fits a given topic, you can create one by looking at the subject with a certain angle. Example

This type also has an option to create a simple list of products with affiliate links.

Countdown #

A Countdown is the same listicle with а reverse order. The most important units are shown at the end. The goal of this type is to force a person to scroll through the entire page in order to find out who comes first. Example

Open List #

This type allow users to contribute by submitting new items to already created listicle and voting for them. This post type has several special options:

  • Close for submissions
  • Close for voting
  • Hide comments


Ranked List #

The Ranked List also allows users to contribute by voting to the list units. The system first shows the units with the highest voting score. The special options:

  • Close for voting


Meme #

A Meme type allows you to add custom resizable text to images. Most commonly, people use the generator to add text captions to established memes. However, they can also upload their own images as templates.

Default meme templates

By default, we provide our set of memes, but you can change or add your own set of memes via the child theme. To add your own set of memes go to wp-content/themes/your active theme and create this path \zombify\assets\images\meme-templates, after that system will show default meme images only from that folder \meme-templates. If you want to save main memes set, just add images from this zip file to that folder.

Please note: titles of the images must consist characters only from the following set:

  1. A–Z
  2. a–z
  3. 0–9
  4. _ (underscore)

From Zombify plugin settings you can disable default meme templates. You can find that option in WP admin ▸ Zombify ▸ General.

Video #

The purpose of this type is to simplify your work on adding video content. For this format available two ways of adding video content:

  1. Upload  video file instantly to your server. The supported file types for this format are: MP4 and WebM.
  2. Copy/paste the link or embed code from the supported websites

    • Youtube /embed code/
    • Facebook
    • Vimeo /embed code/
    • Dailymotion /embed code/
    • Instagram
    • Twitter
    • Coub
    • TikTok
    • Twitch
    • VK
    • Odnoklassniki

If you want your users to be able to embed videos from Facebook/Instagram and Twitch you need to create applications first (make sure your website has an SSL certificate and uses HTTPS).

For Facebook/Instagram embedding you need to have:

/Now the Facebook API has changed, and it doesn’t provide the image thumbnail for video formats/

For Twitch, you need to:

  • pass 2-factor authentication

After these steps you can get your Application ID and Application Secret Key for both platforms. You’ll need to add this information in WP admin ▸ Zombify ▸API Connect

For Twitch videos – the preview /featured image/ will be set automatically for both types: video and clip, but for live videos you will need to set the image manually.


From Zombify plugin settings you can disable video upload and change the video max. upload file size. You can find that options in WP admin ▸ Zombify ▸ General.

Audio #

The purpose of this type is to simplify your work on adding audio content. For this format available two ways of adding audio content:

  1. Upload audio file instantly to your server. The supported file type for this format is MP3.

2. Or paste the link from the supported websites

    • SoundCloud
    • MixcloudCopy/

From Zombify plugin settings you can disable video upload and change the audio max. upload file size. You can find that options in WP admin ▸ Zombify ▸ General.

Image #

The purpose of this type is to simplify your work on adding image content. For this format available two ways of adding image content:

  1. Upload image file instantly to your server. The supported file types for this format are PNG, JPG & GIF.

2.  Copy/paste the link from the supported websites

From Zombify plugin settings you can change the max. upload size of the images. You can find that option in WP admin ▸ Zombify ▸ General.


The purpose of this type is to simplify your work on adding GIF content. For this format available two ways of adding image content:

  1. Upload image file instantly to your server. The supported file types for this format are GIF & MP4.

2.   Copy/paste the link from the supported websites

From Zombify plugin settings you can change the max. upload size of the files. You can find that options in WP admin ▸ Zombify ▸ General.